Meet Lilian, One Of Our Amazing Patients During Mission 2021 - Antigua, Guatemala

For Lilian, a 72-year-old woman who lives 4 hours east of Antigua, the chance to receive her surgery was “hope beyond all hope come true.” She was ecstatic when she learned that she would receive her total joint replacement and carried that spirit of hope and excitement throughout the entire experience. 

Before surgery, she said, “I feel like the luckiest woman in the world, and to receive care from doctors who don’t think of themselves but think about us instead…this is such a blessing. It is as if God is smiling through everyone in this hospital. I am the luckiest woman. The luckiest woman today.”

Lilian’s mighty voice and beaming personality captivated the team. Her laughter filled the recovery ward and inspired more laughter in turn. 

As Lilian reunited with her daughter and prepared to depart Obras Sociales, her smile was so bright that you could see her happiness even with the mask. We spent a few moments interviewing them about the experience and what it meant to them. Lilian told us that she wanted to express her gratitude to our team through a song, Día Grande, which she and her daughter spontaneously began to sing in unison: 

“A sacred and solemn moment…it would be impossible to express…a heart was given, given and will be given forever…the reward will be in the end beyond death.” 

Lilian wanted everyone back home to know, “You have given a miracle. A miracle. You have given my life back. I will keep moving, following my path, thanks to you. Thanks to you, I can do things for myself without asking, ‘Bring me this, bring me that. Take me here or there. No. Now I can live as I want and sing while I walk.”

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